
卡塔尔今天表示,已有超过150万人为11月20日登场的世界杯(World Cup)足球赛申请必要通行证。法新社报导,卡塔尔世足赛「球迷证」(Hayya Card)服务负责人萨尔德(Saad Al-Suwaidi)表示,到目前为止,申请人数介于150万到170万人,这个通行证可当作签证、比赛门票、交通票证,并可以进入一些球迷区。


官员说,杜哈(Doha)的两个国际机场正在做准备,每天要处理15万人次入境。从沙乌地阿拉伯经由陆路的民众,必须乘坐公共汽车到杜哈,或支付1375美元费用才能驾驶自己的汽车。官员说,阿布萨姆拉(Abu Samra)陆路边境站官员将能每小时处理4000人通关。

PRODUCTION – 28 September 2022, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: ILLUSTRATION – Stickers, sticker bags and scrapbooks for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, lie on a table in the publishing rooms of Panini Publishing (posed scene). In this country, the collectible picture manufacturer Panini is confident about its business for the World Cup in Qatar, despite high inflation and criticism of the host country. (to dpa “Panini confident about World Cup sticker sales despite inflation”) Photo by: Marijan Murat/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

